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submersible barge中文是什么意思

用"submersible barge"造句"submersible barge"怎么读"submersible barge" in a sentence


  • 可潜式货驳
  • 坐底式钻井船


  • The special - purpose semi - circular caisson installation barge , anding no . 1 , built and used for the second phase of the deep waterway regulation project in the changjiang estuary has been technically renovated into a special - purpose caisson launching barge , which , after the renovation , has become a horizontally submerging semi - submersible barge capable of shore touching and bottom resting
  • Our business scope includes the designing of various work ship , such as piling ship ( also as lift ship ) , self - propelled split type dump dredge , work barge , semi - submersible barge , floating dock , grab hopper dredge etc . , passenger ship , such as tourist boat , crew boat , ro - ro passenger ferry , frp craft etc . , tug , bulk carrier , container ship , multi - purpose ship , oil tanker , chemical tanker , fishing boat , etc
    本公司主要业务范围包括工程船舶(如打桩船(兼起重船) 、自航开体泥驳、工程驳、半潜驳、浮船坞、抓斗式挖泥船等) 、客船(如观光艇、交通艇、车客渡轮、玻璃钢艇等) 、拖轮、散货船、集装箱船、多用途船、油船、化学品船、渔船等各类型船舶的设计。
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